Vaccines Needed for Newborn Babies

Babies that are born need to be vaccinated for health reasons. In general, vaccines are necessary to produce antibodies in the system that help prevent or fight diseases and infections. Since babies are fragile, they are the ones who need more vaccinations. There are actually 31vaccinations needed for infants and toddlers until they reach 4 years. Later, you’ll learn the different diseases that must be defended by vaccinations.

Why Vaccines are Necessary?

If you are a new mother, is it pivotal to be aware of the vaccinations your baby needs. Giving vaccines is usually conducted by a professional healthcare provider. It can be injected, sprayed through the nose or taken orally. No matter what the process is, this is able to make a baby immune to diseases, which eventually help in their growth, development, and overall health. Remember antibodies are protection against viruses, bacteria, and germs.

Unless your baby is diagnosed with cancer, HIV, or other type of illnesses, it is a must to see a doctor. The kind of doctor to look for is an infectious-disease specialist or a pediatrician. He or she is expert in various diseases and infections. Other than inherited illnesses, a baby may be exempted from getting vaccinated if he or she has recently undergone organ transplants.

Is It Safe for a Baby to Get Vaccinated?

Vaccines are basically safe but it does not mean that there are no possible risks. Like other medications, this can cause side effects. It all depends on the baby’s healthy or how the body responds or reacts. Fortunately, it is rare for a baby to suffer from something due to vaccination. That is why parents are recommended to seek consultation and discussion with a professional or specialist.

What are Possible Side Effects of Vaccines?


There is always a possibility for an infant or a toddler to experience side effects of vaccination. Most of these are usually minor, so it is not something to worry about. If the body or skin reacts, it would be a sore, swelling, or redness, especially if the baby is vaccinated by injection. Low grade fever and fussiness are other common effects. All of those are easily treated within a few days. If it extends more than that, it is important to go to your baby’s doctor.

What Illnesses are Prevented by Vaccines?

There is actually a chart necessary that every mother must have and be familiar with. This helps and encourages them know what their babies need to overcome and fight in terms of illnesses. Also, the vaccines for those various diseases and infections must correspond to the age.

At Birth – Vaccine against Hepatitis B

At 1 Month – Vaccine against Hepatitis B (1 dose recommended good until 2 Months)

At 2 Months – Vaccines against Rotavirus, Haemophilus Influenza Type B, Pneumococcal, Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis, and Inactivated Poliovirus

At 4 Months – Rotavirus, Haemophilus Influenza Type B, Pneumococcal, Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis, and Inactivated Poliovirus

At 6th Month – Hepatitis B (1 dose good until the 18th month or after 1 year and 6 months), Rotavirus, Haemophilus Influenza Type B, Pneumococcal, Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, and Inactivated Poliovirus (1 dose for up to the 18th month), and Influenza

At 12th Month – 1 dose for each: Haemophilus Influenza Type B, Pneumococcal, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella, Varicella or Chicken Pox; and 2 doses for Hepatitis A

At 15th Month – 1 dose for Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis

Between 4-6 Years – Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis, Inactivated Poliovirus, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella, and Varicella or Chicken Pox

What are the Tips and Advice for Parents?

You may have realized that, by reading those different illnesses, your baby is susceptible to one or all of them. This is the very reason why doctors do recommend vaccinating babies during those early ages.

What you must do as soon as you deliver your baby is to get him or her vaccinated according to the list above. Talk with the doctor about it.

The first vaccinations do not stop there. After some particular months and years, there are more to inject to your baby. You need to mark your calendar or keep a list that you can see regularly so you are reminded of your baby’s vaccination.

The bottom line is that vaccines are definitely necessary for babies and toddlers. This is an effective way for them to keep protected against potential risks of illnesses.

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