Once the baby has arrived, the next thing most parents that would make them feel excited, aside from talking “dad a” or “ma ma”, is when he or she starts walking. This is a moment that surely gives you a reason to smile bigtime.
Signs a Baby is Close to Walking
You probably plan on capturing this amazing moment. It will be really nice to have a video recorded of your baby making her first steps. That means you must be aware of the signs that indicate he or she is going to walk soon.
One sign that your baby is about to independently walk is when he or she starts to sit up all by himself or herself. This means he or she does not hold onto your arms for assistance.
Another indication is when your baby tries to hold onto something to stand. You may find him or her grabbing the stands of your coffee table or the edge of the bed.
If these two things are more obvious, be vigilant and prepare your camera! It is only a matter of minutes or hours before your little precious child starts stepping on the floor.
Factors that Help Baby Walks
If your baby is more than two years old and still do not see any signs of improvement regarding his or her sitting and standing position, you must be concerned. It is possible that you always carry and hold your baby without exercising his or her muscles. There are different ways that you can do to help your child make his or her first steps a lot sooner.
Babies usually tend to sleep a lot of times. If they are awake, that’s the time you carry them or put them into a sitting position. When not sleeping, your baby must be laid down on his or her belly, and not always on the back. This position encourages your baby to move the neck, back, hips, and feet. It is a strategy that helps build the muscles to work.
Letting your baby crawl is also a muscle booster. In fact, this is the best thing to train your child to move. Most young boys and girls like to explore. As they get to recognize more what they see, smell and hear, they would be tempted to move, and that’s exactly what encourages them to try making steps later.
You have just learned that sitting independently is a preparation toward baby walks. What this implies that you have to help or let your baby take a seat more often when he or she is awake. Just make sure the chair is intended for babies to secure him or her from dropping or falling. The kind of chair to use must be also soft and comfortable.
Do not forget to take some snapshots during the first walks of your baby. Always have your video recorder and digital camera ready. These devices should be accessible and easily reached so you can just grab them and never miss that wonderful moment.