How to Bathe a Month Old Baby

Bathing your one-month old baby is not an easy job. You need the right techniques and proper ways in bathing your baby. That is why it is important to know those bathing techniques for the protection and comfort of your baby. If this is your first time to bathe a newborn baby boy or girl, you are absolutely in the right place.

It is natural thing to do for all parents to bathe their baby every day. It’s their responsibility to do that since a newborn is fully dependent to his or her parents. The most important goal of this is to keep your baby clean and protected from germs. This is to ensure he or she is away from possible occurrence of diseases, infections, and allergies caused by germs and bacteria. Here are some ideal tips that you have to keep in mind when bathing your beautiful baby.

1. Get All the Bathing Products and Supplies

First of all, you need to make sure you have the right and clean tools to bathe your baby. What you must do always is to collect and prepare all the essential bath supplies that you need for this task. It includes your baby clothes, clean diaper, towel, soap, shampoo, and plastic basin with warm water. You can also use a small plastic baby tub, which is intended for babies.

2. Choose a Warm Area

A newborn, especially a month old baby, is delicate. He or she is also sensitive, and can easily feel cold. So, be sure that the area to bathe him or her is warm. Your baby must not suffer from hypothermia. Anyway, the bathroom is the right place to bathe your baby. If the water is warm, then it is not a problem to keep him or her warm.

3. Hold Your Baby Properly

Normally, once your baby feels the water onto his or her skin, he or she wiggles. You need to hold him or her still and properly to avoid accidents. It is important to keep this in mind whenever you bathe your little one.

Put your baby in the tub, while your one hand holds your baby’s neck and head to support them. Your other hand is busy cleaning and rinsing your baby. Unless you have someone to assist you, you have to hold your baby tightly and conveniently.

4. Wash Accordingly

Pour the needed amount of warm water over your baby. Take note, it has to be warm water so that he or she won’t feel cold, but it must not be too hot, as well. Use only mild soap that’s right for your baby skin. It is much better if the soap is a liquid type, as it is easy to caress it on his or her skin.

Simply wash your baby’s face first before you clean him or her entirely. Make sure the body parts like underarms, hands, legs, neck and other lines of your baby are washed. Do not forget to wash his or her genital area, as well as the head and scalp.

Also, do not apply soap onto any parts that can make him or her cry and uncomfortable. Stay away from soaping his or her eyes and mouth.

5. Rinse Right Away

Rinse your baby with clean warm water. Afterwards, dry him or her with clean towel. As you prepare post-bath products, wrap your baby with hooded towel to keep him or her warm.

6. Place Diaper and Apply Skin Care Products

The last thing you do is to make your baby feel fresh and comfortable. You apply baby powder nearby his or her genital area, before you place a new, clean diaper. You also apply some baby lotion on some parts of his or her skin, to make him or her smell fresh and clean.

Washing an infant baby, especially when he or she is only a month year old, is quite a difficult task that requires cautiousness and diligence. If you consider following the tips about washing baby above, it will help you make the job much easier. This is a crucial thing to do, but you need to keep in mind that it’s your primary goal to keep your baby safe and protected at all times. Of course, he or she needs to be clean and fresh every single day, too.


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