This generation is already advanced and very modern. Children nowadays are too smart to use technologically advanced devices. Even those who are only starting to go to school can easily learn how to operate them. From computers to smartphones, small boys and girls won’t have problem or difficulty using those things. But as for parents, how useful and beneficial these things are to young kids?
Some people are very concerned regarding the use of gadgets by children. Playing games, listening to music, and surfing the Web can be very addictive. It won’t be healthy at all if your own kids use such devices more than the norm. It is the responsibility of parents to control and limit the usage of devices. It must not be the kids who have to decide for their selves, because at this point of their lives, they are still dependent to their parents.
Image Source: boxoffice18
Young children who use gadgets are obviously exposed to a lot of things that can be risks to a variety of aspects. They are usually involved to health, the social aspect, and behavior. Some parents may not think of those things the moment they buy electronic devices to their kids. Others may know about those disadvantages, yet they cannot fully widen their imagination as to how destructive they may be in the long run. That said, there is a need to balance between the use and limit of such stuff, because all parents do only want the best for their kids.
Many findings and researches by experts these days prove the risk involved of gadgets. However, there are also benefits from using them. It is important that parents must know both of those things. That way they can have a better control of what they are giving to their children.
According to some statistics, less than 70% of children below 3 are already exposed to a couple of gadgets. These usually refer to the use and ownership of tablets and smartphones. The touchscreen feature of these gadgets makes it very easy for them to navigate things.
About 95% of children from 4 to 12 years old are already firsthand expert of most of the gadgets available these days. They already know which video games are the most popular to play. They use the Internet to help them with their assignments, and socialize with their friends online.
Image Source: gokids
Learning how to operate gadgets and use them for education and games does not seem that very distracting, is it? However, not all games are friendly. There are many games that are not suitable for children, even if they are developed for kids and teens. For instance, the first-shooting simulation game mainly involves violence. Kids are likely exposed to mimic the behaviors of a gun shooter.
Another risk of using gadget is when surfing online. The Internet contains many explicit images, videos, and words that every child must never see. Yet, they have that freedom and opportunity to see or read such things when they are using a computer, a tablet, or a smartphone. Sometimes, ads of disturbing images can just pop up. There is somehow real danger of the use of the Web, but it is necessary for parents to supervise their kids when they do so.
What are the best things every parent needs to do? Here are some things that you should try doing if your kids are engaged and fond of using electronic devices.
1. Make a Schedule
Parents are advised to make restriction on how many times or when kids are allowed to use their gadgets. If they are studying, it is best that they use their stuff only during weekends, holidays, and whenever there are no classes for a couple of days. That means, this must be implemented as a strict rule at home to never allow kids to use gadgets during school days.
Image Source: wikiforu
2. Keep Children under Supervisions
Undoubtedly, there are several benefits of using electronic devices. It is just necessary for parents to control and monitor their kids every time they allow Internet surfing, game playing, and doing other things with their stuff. Besides, there are things that parents can install in the computers to block certain websites, as well as create passwords to restrict the use of some applications.